India’s First Rio 2016 Olympic Medal is Truly Ironic

child bride in india
India has made international news several times in recent years mainly for the growing international pressure calling for the Indian government to address gender inequality in the country. India is a patriarchal state where women have almost no voice. Many of its provinces still cling to the archaic tradition of treating women as nothing more than tools to be used by men. This backwards way of thinking is the main reason why rape and other forms of violence against women are very widespread in India. Honor killings where a man can get away with murder by acquiring forgiveness from the family of the woman he has killed still continue to occur. Last Wednesday night, an Indian woman made the news once more. This time, however, that woman was neither a victim of rape or honor killing. This time, that woman made the news for winning a medal at the Rio 2016 Olympics.

11 Facts About Gender Inequality In India That Will Truly Shock You

Pusarla Venkata Sindhu
India’s First at Rio

India was not having a good showing at the Rio Olympics. The sports where the Indian Olympic Team is considered to have had the highest chance of winning such as field hockey and rifle shooting were already over yet the team still had no medals to show for. Indians were starting to lose hope and some even began accepting the fact that the country might not bring home any medals this year. Fortunately for the people of India though, a pleasant surprise was waiting for them. The nation was shocked by news of their athlete, 23 year old Sakshi Malik, winning bronze in the 58 Kilogram Women’s Freestyle Wrestling Competition.

Known by a Mere Few

Malik, much like almost all female athletes in the country, only had a few supporters. Most of her countrymen didn’t even know about her. If the Indian people weren’t talking about their hopes, and eventually their disappointment regarding the field hockey team, they would be complaining about the officials who accompanied their athletes. Many complained that the officers were spending all their time touring Brazil and barely did anything to help the athletes.

The Olympic bronze is actually not Malik’s accomplishment as an international athlete. After all, she was wrestling ever since she was just 12 years old. She has already won bronze in the 2010 Junior World Championship and silver in the 2014 Commonwealth Games. In spite of these achievements, she was not even her country’s first choice. She was only given the spot after Geeta Phogat was unable to qualify.

What an Ironic First Medal

Malik being a woman in an extremely patriarchal country is not the only thing that makes this first medal ironic. Another irony is the fact that Malik is from Haryana, one of the bottom five Indian states when it comes to sex ratio. Haryana only has 88 women for every 100 men. This is because couples in the state prefer having a male offspring so many female fetuses end up getting aborted. Women wrestlers are also often ridiculed in India as many in the country view the sport as exclusive to men.

Abhinav Bindra Explains Exactly Why India Doesn’t Win Big At The Olympics

Are 250 Middle Eastern Lives not Equal to 130 Europeans or 14 Americans?

isis deadliest attack

The death toll in the car bombing in Karrada neighborhood in Baghdad just reach 250 and world is simply silent compared to when 130 people were killed in the three coordinated Paris attacks or when 14 people were killed in the San Bernardino shooting spree. News about the tragedy is quite few with only the major news sites having one or two articles about it and no one in social media seems to even mention the atrocity. No posts in Facebook newsfeeds and no hashtag about it on Twitter.

1. What Happened in Baghdad?

The bombing happened just a few days from Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday that celebrates the end of the holy month of Ramadan. People preparing for the holiday flocked the Karrada district of the capital particularly very popular the al-Hadi Centre shopping mall to look for new clothes and other items. Even the surrounding cafes were full because of the huge influx of people. Then, out of a sudden, a huge explosion blasted through the crowds instantly killing hundreds. The explosion also caused huge walls of fire fuelled by burning clothes, plastic, and other flammable materials. The walls of flame were high enough to trap many of those who survived the blast. Investigation later revealed that the source of the blast was a refrigeration vehicle parked near the shopping Centre. The vehicle was filled with explosives and remotely detonated. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack claiming it was to teach Shia Muslims a lesson. Shia Muslims are one of many Muslim minority groups marked as apostates by the Islamic State.

2. Why is the Attack not Getting Global Attention?

Is no one talking about the attack because it happened in Iraq and all of the victims are Muslims? This is the deadliest bombing in Iraq for the past 13 years and no one seems to mind. Some people may be misinterpreting the act as Muslim against Muslim when in truth; the atrocity is an act of terrorists against humanity. Muslims are not terrorists. More than 90% of Muslims denounce terrorism and do not consider terrorists as fellow Muslims. Terrorists are the enemy of all who wish to practice their faith. Islamic State has declared itself a worldwide caliphate and wants its archaic and twisted version of Islam to be the only religion.

3. Most Victims of Terrorism are Muslims

Numerous studies prove that if you add up all the victims of known terrorist attacks, most of the names in the list would be Muslim. This fact just goes to show that terrorist groups like the Islamic State are an enemy of Islam. We should never associate terrorists with Islam for whatever it is they are doing is not for religion. They simply want to divide us. They are sowing seeds of hate to prevent us from banding together against them. They know that they can only continue their tyranny if the world remains divided.

Suicide Bombers Attack Second Holiest Islam Site, Prove ISIS an Enemy of Islam

deadliest isis attackProphet Mohammad’s Mosque is the second holiest place for Muslims, second only to the Al-Masjid Al-Haram or Grand Mosque which makes the recent terrorist attack a sacrilege to Islam itself. The attack was a part of a coordinated assault on Saudi Arabia as the end of Ramadan drew near. The other attacks hit the Shi’ite Muslim city of Qatif and the United States consulate in Jeddah. No group is yet to claim credit for the wanton assaults but their similarity to those conducted by the Islamic State on US allies last year are glaring.

Related Article: Baghdad bombing: Iraqis remind world that most of Isis’ victims are Muslims after more than 160 killed

Attacking a Most Holy Place During the Holy Month

Muslims of the world have steadfastly argued that terrorists do not represent Islam. In fact, Muslims look at terror groups as enemies of their religion. Terrorists are nothing more but infidels who have sold their religion to join barbarians and savages in committing crimes against humanity. Some non-Muslims believed such claims, and some don’t. But after the attack on Prophet Mohammad’s Mosque, there should not be any doubters anymore. If terrorists really respect Islam, they would not have performed such atrocities at such as sacred place and not during the holy month of Ramadan. Terrorists have no respect for faith. They simply manufactured their own version of a religion and call it their version of Islam. No one should be fooled. Islam is a religion of peace. Islam teaches its followers to be loyal to the country they live in whether or not that country is a Muslim country.

Related Article: No One Wants to See ISIS Defeated More Than Muslims

Attacks an Act of Desperation

The Islamic State is growing desperate. It has suffered consecutive losses in the past months due the growing efforts of various countries against the terror group. ISIS has lost several key strongholds this year alone and now it is desperate to show that it is still as strong as before. And what better way to remind the world of what it can do than attacking one of the holiest of places for Muslims and doing so during the sacred month of Ramadan. We should not be fooled. These acts of desperation are just proof that the world is doing better in its fight against terrorism. More and more countries are openly waging war against Islamic State. As long as we stand together, time will get when we will finally rid ourselves of this blight known as IS.

IS Wants to Ruin the Celebration

The end of Ramadan or Eid is one to be celebration. It is a day when Muslims are to be congratulated for completing the month of fasting and proving their discipline and dedication to their faith. And since IS wants Muslims and the rest of the world to adapt their so-called True Islam which in reality is just their own twisted version of the faith, they are against this celebration. This is why for a few years now, IS has perpetrated attacks during the last few days of Ramadan.

Do you Desire to Inspire? 6 Easy Ways to Inspire Others

to be inspired is great
one another is definitely a surefire way of making the world a better place. And who does not want a better world right? We should all strive to become an inspiration to others. We should seek to bring out the best in people. Below are a few ways to do it.

Acknowledge Your Flaws

We are all humans and we all make mistakes. Do not be afraid of sharing your errors and failures with others. As they say, experience is the best teacher and mistakes are the best kinds of experience. Telling others about things you regret doing or not doing may save them from making the same decisions and having the same regrets. Your short-comings will humanize you and make others feel closer to you. Conversely, giving off an aura of perfection will alienate you from others.

Be an Active Listener

Hearing what others say is easy. Understanding these words is what requires some effort. You need to comprehend not just what is on the surface but also any hidden meaning behind the words. There are others who have a difficult time saying exactly what they mean so they unconsciously mask their words. In order to get through to people of this type you need to learn how to unravel what they really intend to say. Consider where they are coming from.

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Reach for the Stars

You need to continuously strive for improvement. Set your goals high. You cannot serve as an inspiration if you have no ambition. You must show people that you are constantly growing and evolving. Don’t be static. It is okay and a good thing to be content with what you have. But you should never be satisfied with who you are. Keep in mind that the “you” tomorrow should always be better than the “you” today.

Criticize Constructively

Avoid throwing criticisms out of the blue. Only criticize when you are asked to do so and make sure each criticism is constructive. You should not give of the impression you are insulting or looking down on him. If someone asks your opinion, give them the truth but don’t be rude. You should also practice asking for constructive criticism from time to time.

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Treat Everyone Equally

Keep a clear mind and look at everyone equally. Avoid showing any bias. You can be an inspiration to anyone regardless of gender, race, religion, political beliefs, etc. If people know you are impartial, they have deeper trust in you and share a lot more things with you.

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Have Confidence

Believe in yourself and be confident. Do not doubt yourself or others will doubt you too. Just don’t be overconfident to a point that you are fooling yourself.

Healing Brussels – Donate and Help the Victims

pray for brussels healing

The March twin terror attacks on Brussels that devastated the Belgian capital have left the whole world reeling especially since Paris has also suffered suicide bombings in November last year. In response, many cities and organizations from everywhere in the world have organized ways to make it easier for people to extend their help to the victims.

Related Article: How to Help Victims of the Brussels Attacks

The Brussels Attacks were carried out by three suicide bombers. Two of them blew themselves up at the Brussels Airport. Then when the panic sent droves of people to flee via the Brussels Metro Station, the third bomber detonated himself there. The attacks killed 34 people and injured 200 others. ISIS claimed responsibility for the bombings and said the attacks were in retaliation for Belgium’s active involvement in the fight against ISIS in the Middle-East. In response, the Belgian government issued its highest level terror alert and put the Air Port and the Metro Station into lock down. The following are the ways you can help the victims of the carnage:

GoFundMe – this is the most commonly used website for gathering donations where anyone in the world can contribute. Anyone can create a GoFundMe page but this time, it was crowdfunding platform itself that created a page for the victims of the Brussels attack and their families. The page aims to raise $100,000 and GoFundMe has already made an initial donation of $25,000. The GoFundMe community currently has 20 million users and the campaign is expected to raise several times the targeted amount. The proceeds will be transferred to an official charity organization.

Belgian Red Cross – the Belgian Red Cross immediately deployed more than a 100 rescuers to the Airport and Metro Station after hearing about the tragedy. The organization says that it has ample manpower and blood but heavily needs funds to acquire the necessary equipment. It also needs fuel for the vans it is using to gather blood donations as well as distribute blood to hospitals and centers. Donating to the Belgian Red Cross will be like directly helping those injured in the terror attacks.

Related Article: Euro 2016: Belgian polce hunt for missing explosives amid fear of terrorist attack at tournament

Twitter – people who want to help in ways other than donating money can use social networking platform Twitter. By using the hashtag # ikwilhelpen (Dutch for “I want to help”) you can let people know that you are ready and willing to offer your home or a part of your home to serve as temporary housing for the victims and other people who are stranded because of the bombings. You can also check out the Twitter account @BrusselsLift where you can list your car if you wish to take part in providing free rides to the stranded.

Your prayers will also be a great help in helping Brussels heal. Include the victims in your prayers each night.

Bar all Muslims from Entering the United States Says Donald Trump

brussels after terror attacks

Coordinated terror attacks have hit Brussels on March 22, 2016 in which two suicide bombers struck the Brussels Airport while another hit the Brussels Metro Station. The attacks resulted in a combined 18 killed and more than 270 injured. The attacks happened while Europe was still reeling from the November 2015 Paris attacks that have led to the deaths of 130 people. While people from all over the world expressed sympathy and support in various social media platforms, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has something completely different in mind.

ban all muslims trump

Ban All Muslims from Entering the United States

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Donald Trump seems to think all Muslims cannot be trusted since he wants the United States to stop letting Muslims inside its borders until a thorough and acceptable investigation of the recent terror attacks is completed. Many think such statement from the controversial candidate is not surprising since he had once promoted setting up CCTVs and other surveillance equipment inside all mosques in American soil. He also called for the establishment of a database for all Muslims in the US. Trump’s stance against Muslims in America solidified in the wake of terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California where 14 people were killed and 22 were injured.

Trump’s Statement is Unacceptable

Trump’s statement was praised by his supporters but denounced by everyone else. US President Barack Obama said that such statement is divisive and we should instead call for unity amidst these trying times. Others said that Trump is just giving terrorists what they want. Terrorists want us to hate each other and Trump is doing just that. Terrorists have never represented Islam. In fact, there are a lot of terrorist attacks that have targeted Muslims and Muslim establishments such as mosques. It is “us against terrorists” so let us not make it “us against Muslims”.

Trump clarified that the policy should not include Muslims that are already in the United States, just those who want to enter the nation in the future. He further states that he has a lot of Muslim friends so he knows there are many Muslims who can be trusted. He believes, however, the fact that we cannot be certain about what immigrants are planning should be enough reason to close our borders to more Muslims.

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Promote Unity Instead of Hate

Obama and most officials believe that as the representative of the Republican Party in the coming 2016 US Elections, Trump should not nurture hate and foster unity instead. Muslims are our brothers. Let as not make innocent Muslims suffer because of the acts of a few terrorists. Terrorists are the enemy. People of all race and faith should band together in standing up to terror.

Notable Examples of Muslims Denouncing Acts of Terror by Atif Fareed

muslim denounce terrorism

AMCC President Atif Fareed continuously seeks to improve relations between Muslims and non-Muslims. One obstacle he often encounters in this endeavour is the fact that many non-Muslims do not want to give Muslims a chance because they think Muslims are not vocal enough in denouncing terrorism. Fareed says that this is not true. For more than a decade now, Muslim leaders have been very vocal in condemning terror attacks.

1. 2011 Alexandria bombing

Egyptian Muslims did not just condemn the January 1, 2011 Alexandria bombing that killed 23 people and injured 97 others, they came out and put themselves in harm’s way to prove that they stand with the Coptic Christians that the attack has targeted. During the January 6, 2011 mass service held to remember those who died in the attack, the Egyptian Muslims showed up at the Coptic churches and formed human shields to protect the Christians praying inside. For days, Egyptian Muslims and Coptic Christians joined together in street protests, rallies, and social media campaigns. They showed that we should not let terrorism divide us. Instead, we should work closer together and be hand in hand in protecting one another.

2. 2010 Vow to Fight Al Qaeda

In November 2010, Bakeel Tribe Chieftain Naji bin Abdul-Aziz al-Shaif led thousands of tribesmen from various Yemeni tribes in a rally where they pledged to fight alongside the government against the threat of the Al Qaeda. He further said that the terrorist group is ruining the reputation of the country, Yemeni tribes, and Islam itself. He also called out Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to do everything in his power to drive the terrorist organization out of Yemen.

3. 2009 Northwest Airlines Flight 253 Bombing Attempt

Numerous Muslim groups condemned the bombing attempt that if successful would have taken the lives of the 290 people on board the Northwest Airlines Flight 253. A group of Canadian and US Islamic Leaders immediately issued a fatwa denouncing the attack saying that the attack was not only an attack towards Americans, it was also an attack towards Muslims living in America. 20 imams belonging to the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada signed the fatwa. The fatwa emphasized one teaching from the Quran that tells Muslims to be loyal to the country where they live.

promote peace

Atif Fareed hopes that these examples can help clear the misconception that Muslims often choose to stay silent in regards to terror attacks on non-Muslim countries. Terrorism is an enemy of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Sorting Facts from Fiction with Atif Fareed’s Orlando Billboards

vandalised mosque

The November 2015 Paris coordinated terror attacks where 130 people died have been condemned by the whole world. They have also caused repercussions felt by Muslims residing in countries where Muslims are a minority. The United States is one glaring example of this prejudice. After the Paris attacks, many places of Islam worship such as mosques and Islamic community centers were vandalized. There were even numerous reported hate crimes targeting Muslim-Americans. These attacks are not doing any good. They are just damaging the already fragile relations between Muslim and non-Muslim communities in America.

The Orlando Billboard Campaign

The Orlando Billboard Campaign was launched weeks after the Paris attacks. Atif Fareed, the man behind the campaign, clarifies that the campaign is not in response to the backlash caused by the terror strikes in Paris. He further clarifies that the campaign has been in the works for months. He also defends that the near $10,000 spent for each billboard is well worth it, especially now that the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims seems to be crumbling. He also says that there couldn’t have been a better time to put the campaign in motion.

atif fareed orlando billboard campaign
A local Muslim group is partnering with a national organization to put up eight billboards in the Orlando, Fla., area to correct misperceptions about Islam. (George Skene/Orlando Sentinel/TNS)

Spreading the Words of True Islam

Atif Fareed explains that each billboard is meant to clear up misconceptions about Islam. He says that terrorists such as ISIS, who claim to be working for the glory of Allah, should not be believed. He tells further that these terrorists have twisted the real meaning of Islam so they can use it as a defense for their despicable actions. Islam is not a religion of terror and terrorists do not represent Islam. The people of America should not be divided by terror. We should instead stand firm and hand-in-hand in combatting the menace. The American Muslim communities stand with the rest of America and the rest of the world in denouncing all forms of terrorism.

American-Muslims are Your Neighbors

Fareed says that the billboards are also there to remind everyone that American-Muslims are just like their non-Muslim neighbors. American-Muslims pay taxes, perform services for their community, and work to earn a living just as hard as any other American. American-Muslims should not be alienated. They respect the faith of others and they deserve to have their faith respected. The billboards are a way of reaching out to non-Muslims.

Know More About the Muslim Faith

A toll-free number and website address can be found on all billboards installed by the campaign. They intend to give a reliable resource for people who want to know more about Islam. Learn about Islam and be able to distinguish which is true and which is false about the religion.

Know more about Islam:

Poland PM’s Response to the Brussels Attack Inappropriate Says Atif Fareed

Beata Szydlo
Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo is seen arriving to attend the second day of an European Union Summit held at the EU Council building in Brussels, on March 18, 2016. / AFP / THIERRY CHARLIER (Photo credit should read THIERRY CHARLIER/AFP/Getty Images)

The three suicide bombing attacks that hit Brussels in the morning of March 22, 2016 served as a grim reminder of the Paris attacks that happened in November of last year. The Brussels attacks left 31 people dead and about 300 others injured. Leaders from all around the globe denounced the senseless attacks. Many called for unity in these trying times while some resorted to more drastic measures.

Poland PM Refuses to Take in Immigrants

Fighting in the Middle East has displaced millions of people. Each year, thousands of migrants and refugees die while trying to get to safer soil. Most of the casualties happen at sea as many immigrants risk their lives by travelling in severely overloaded boats. to help keep immigrants safe, the European Union has forged an agreement in which each European country is given a set number of immigrants it must welcome into its custody. After the terrorist attack in Brussels, however, , the Prime Minister of Poland, announced that Poland is closing its doors to all immigrants.

The First EU Member to Abandon Immigrants

The Polish PM states that the move is not retaliation for the three Poles that were injured in the attacks but a necessary step to keep Poland safe since there is no way of guaranteeing none of the immigrants is a terrorist in disguise. Before the attack, Poland has agreed to take in 7000 immigrants this year. The plan, however, was not agreed upon by the previous Prime Minister, not Szydlo. Szydlo insists that his country’s doors will remain closed to refugees until the Polish government is able to guarantee that all of them are really victims and not criminals.

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The Polish PM’s Decision is Making Matters Worse

Atif Fareed, the president of the American Muslim Community Centers, criticized PM Szydlo’s decision. Fareed said that Europe is currently dealing with the worst migrant crisis since the Second World War and one country refusing migrants will likely lead to complications. In 2015 alone, more than 1.2 million refugees fled the Middle East looking for a better life in Europe. Poland is setting a bad example and if other EU countries follow its lead, a significant portion of the 120,000 refugees EU is supposed to house this year will be left without a home.

poland refuses refugees

Atif Fareed calls for unity. Refugees are also victims of the terrorists’ rampage in the Middle East. We should show terrorists that we are not scared. And we should not sacrifice our humanity by turning away those who need help the most, the refugees.

Atif Fareed Thanks the Internet for Standing Up to Islamophobe After the Brussels Attack

One day after the Brussels terror attack that killed 34 people (the three suicide bombers included) and injured more than 300 people, some people most notably GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, were quick to blame all of the 1.6 billion Muslims throughout the world. Atif Fareed, president of the AMCC, believes such blame is irrational. The four men who carried out the attack do represent neither Islam nor the Muslims.

what islamophobe looks like

People who discriminate against Muslims and associate all Muslims to terror attacks are generally referred to as Islamophobes.

Related Article: Orlando, Florida: Billboards stress commonality of religions

Recently, one Islamophobe named Matthew P. Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) made waves in the Twitterverse by twitting that he confronted a Muslim woman yesterday in Croydon and asked her to explain Brussels. He said that the Muslim woman simply answered, “Nothing to do with me.” Doyle described the woman’s answer as a mealy mouthed reply. Atif Fareed denounces this tweet as extremely racist and discriminatory. Why should Muslims explain things that terrorists did? Thankfully, Fareed was not alone. Twitter users quickly came to the defense of the said Muslim woman with the following tweets:

    • @TechnicallyRon, “I confronted a dog today & asked him about that time when I was 4 and a dog bit me. “woof” he said. A mealy mouthed reply.”

    • @mrdavidwhitley, “I confronted someone who was eating yesterday in Croydon. I asked her to explain Brussels. She said “Hmmm-nng-mmgh”. A mealy mouthed reply.”

    • “Confronted a bloke with elbow patches in Croydon. Asked him to explain earthquakes. He said “Nothing to do with me”. A mealy mouthed reply.”

    • @LeeJasper, “I confronted a White woman yesterday in Croydon. Asked her to apologize for slavery. She said ‘Nothing to do with me’ A mealy mouthed reply.”

    • @garwboy, “Confronted a self-service machine in Tesco, Asked it to explain Brussels. It said “Please place items in bagging area”. Mealy mouthed reply.”

    • @robbiereviews, “I confronted a man who was eating a bowl of muesli yesterday in Croydon. He said “mmfflfffmufflrgh”. A mealy mouthed reply.”
    • @twlldun, “I confronted an Irish woman. I asked her to explain “Mrs Brown’s Boys: Da movie”. She said “nothing to do with me”. A mealy mouthed reply.”

    • @trabasack, “Confronted a bloke in a lab coat in Croydon. Asked him to explain cancer. He said “Nothing to do with me”. A mealy mouthed reply.”

    • @chinnyhill10, “I confronted a German about bombing my Grandad’s shed in WW2. “Nothing to do with me”. A mealy mouthed reply.”

    • @MikeRossP, “Confronted a plastic bag in Croydon. Asked him to explain the Pacific trash vortex. He said “Nothing to do with me”. A mealy mouthed reply.”

Atif Fareed believes that the responses to Mr. Doyle’s Islamophobic tweet just show that the most of the world believes that terrorists do not represent Islam.

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